PET Brain Scans

PET Brain Scans
Through modern technology depression is no longer an invisable illness. The depressed brain for many reasons functions differently then the non-depressed.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Very first blog post! Where to start? What's all this "to do" about depression?

To begin, I'm extremely grateful today that I'm not depressed (as some days I am) and today I'm able to start this blog project which has been developing in my mind for several years.  I've actually tried to avoid doing it because I don't want to make being a "depressed person" my whole identity, because its not! But depression is a part of my life like it or not.

My depression is invisible to many people in my life because I do not allow them to see the full extent of it.  Over time I have learned by trial and error that nobody wants to see it, nobody is comfortable with it, nobody knows how to handle it, or what to do, and quite frankly being "depressed" is simply not permitted in society! Doesn't that sound funny?  I believe these responses come from lack of understanding that depression is in some cases an actual medical condition, a brain disorder.  Imagine saying to the Alzheimer's sufferer or diabetic "just snap out of it!"  Ridiculous!  This is going to sound even funnier to non-depressed people but "depression gets no respect!" Its true, people don't believe its real and don't believe its a brain disorder.  

Many folks in society have made people with recurring depression feel ashamed of themselves because they can't manage to be cured. They are considered lazy, selfish, unreliable and moody by others.  They are treated as if depression is completely optional and that the depressed person should just "stop it!"

If you have suffered from chronic depression, tell me you haven't almost bought into those labels people try to put on you.  The other common one is that depressed people are mentally ill, crazy or psychotic.  Oh please, many many people fight depression who are otherwise intelligent, well rounded, interesting, creative and NON-psychotic!!!!  I don't even know why depression is called "mental illness."  Its such a damaging label that carries so much stigma that it prevents individuals from wanting to admit to themselves or others that they battle some form of depression.  Why are people so mean? 

With all that said, I believe there may possibly be a need for an active online community, a blog or forum of some sort for people who can learn from one another's successes in fighting against "recurring" depression.  Or, to create a supportive community of sympathetic individuals who care and want to encourage one another. So, if this blog can become a blessing to others, then I'll gladly continue it, and if not, then no worries, life goes on.  IT IS HOWEVER IN NO WAY MEANT TO REPLACE PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT FOR ANY FORM OF DEPRESSION!  Do not skip professional treatment because you find this blog useful, it is simply a supplement to the existing acceptable practices, and there is no guarantee that ideas expressed here will help anyone.

As someone who's battled and been in treatment for "chronic" depression, meaning recurring, diagnosed "Major Depressive Disorder" for many many years, having had life interrupting bouts that have lasted from a few days to a few months, I've noticed there are many varied beliefs and attitudes in society today, at least here in the USA, about depression and about "depressed people."  There are sooooo many misconceptions! There is a lot of  "false" information and "one size fits all" solutions out there, and for lack of a more tactful word, a lot of ignorance.

I don't mean to offend anyone. I know people are all just doing the best they can in life, but unless they've walked in someone else's  shoes there is absolutely no possible way for a non-depressed person to comprehend the depth of REAL pain, the life-stealing immobility, and fear that depressed people may be living with. I actually feel bad for family members that have to live with a depressed person, many of them are very loving and well meaning and truly want to be a help, but they just don't know how and may even make matters worse.  Please be patient with your friends and family who really do want to help, but can't figure out how to do it. 

Even Professionals have a hard time finding the proper treatment for depression because there are sooooo many different forms of it and causes of it.  I always get so mad when I read things that say "depression is one of the easiest disorders to treat." And things like, just use proper nutrition, exercise, supplements, therapy and/or medication etc and you'll be fine. Or, here's a good one from religious folks "you need to pray more, or go to a healing, or get the sin out of your life or have more faith and you'll be healed." Oh Lord in heaven, help me not to reach out and smack those well meaning brothers and sisters!   Oh, and here's a good one "Just snap out of it, just shake it off, just get up and out of bed, stop doing this to yourself!"  Oh I love those comments! Don't get me started!  So, if you are a person struggling against some form of depression, I truly hope and pray that yours is only a temporary situational condition that can be remedied with ease, but for some, it may take a different approach to actually rewire the "set in its ways" depressed brain.

If you or someone you know has been fighting depression for years and years, tried many, many courses of treatment and still struggle with very low, very painful recurring bouts of depression and you feel basically hopeless.......let me tell you "You are not alone!" Until recently, I have felt the very same way.  I am not here to sell you a product, or solve all your problems, or get you to do anything except join me on this journey to rewire our depressed brains.

I've been reading very useful information on this lately and didn't even know how to do such a thing, or that it was even possible. So, if this intrigues you, then please stay tuned for more to come.  I have found a glimmer of hope, and I'm not letting it slip through my fingers!!!!  I'll be back shortly to talk about this some more. Love, peace, hope & joy to you!

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